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Showing 637-639 of 639
Coding - Practice Guidelines and Tips - 2021
Documentation and Coding: Atrial Fibrillation

At Healthfirst, we are committed to helping providers accurately document and code their patients’ health records. This tip sheet will offer guidance on how to submit diagnosis code with greater specificity for coding atrial fibrillation (AFib).

Open document
Clinical Documentation Improvement
Claims & Billing - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2021
New CPT® Category III Codes

Healthfirst aims to ensure that our reimbursement policy standards are compliant with state and national industry standards. The American Medical Association (AMA) has released new Category III codes, effective July 1, 2021. As of this date, Healthfirst requires prior authorization for these codes.

Open document
Behavioral Health and Foster Care - Practice Guidelines and Tips - 2021
Children and Family Treatment and Support Services (CFTSS) FAQs

Children and Family Treatment and Support Services are a set of six children’s health and behavioral health Medicaid State Plan services that focus on prevention, early intervention, and access to clinical treatment. With CFTSS, eligible members will have more choices in how to approach rehabilitative intervention.

Open document
Children & Family