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Provider Alerts - Provider Resources - 2024
Public Health Emergency (PHE) Flexibilities Related to the Medicaid Children’s Waiver and Health Home Services

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has issued guidance on Public Health Emergency (PHE) flexibilities. This includes important end dates for these flexibilities that providers you should be aware of. Although many emergency flexibilities expired with the official end of the COVID-19 PHE, others have an end date specified by New York State or a maximum period set by the federal government. Find details on all PHE flexibilities here...

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Provider Alerts - Claims & Billing - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2024
Qualified Dietitians/Nutritionists Can Now Enroll and Bill Directly for Medical Nutritional Therapy

As of Jan. 1, 2024, qualified dietitians/nutritionists are allowed to enroll and bill directly for medically necessary Medical Nutritional Therapy (MNT) provided to eligible members for the following Healthfirst lines of business: Medicaid Managed Care, Personal Wellness Plan, Senior Health Partners Managed Long-Term Care Medicaid Plan, and Healthfirst CompleteCare (HMO D-SNP).

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Provider Alerts - Provider Resources - 2024
Lymphedema Compression Treatment Items Now Covered by Medicare

A new benefit category has been established for Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) for standard and custom-fitted compression garments and additional lymphedema compression treatment items that are primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose.

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Provider Alerts - Claims & Billing - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2024
New York State Medicaid Guidance for Billing Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccines

As of Oct. 1, 2023, New York State (NYS) Medicaid began reimbursing NYS Medicaid-enrolled providers for administration or dispensing of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccines for adults and for the administration of nirsevimab for infants.

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Provider Alerts - Claims & Billing - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2024
Updates on Coverage of Community Health Worker Services

Effective Oct. 1, 2023, Healthfirst will reimburse Community Health Worker (CHW) services for pregnant and postpartum people as a preventive medical service when billed under a Medicaid-enrolled supervising licensed provider. Medicaid, HARP, and Connection Plan members are eligible for CHW services during pregnancy and up to 12 months after the end of pregnancy, regardless of how the pregnancy ends. See the provider alert for additional updates.

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Provider Alerts - Telehealth - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2021
Privileging of Providers to Offer Telehealth Services

Healthfirst has established a policy and application process to enable our network of contracted providers to offer telehealth services to our members to improve access to care and outcomes of care. The policy and application process detailed herein is applicable to all providers and vendors who wish to render telehealth services.

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Provider Alerts - Claims & Billing - Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2021
COVID-19 Testing — Billing Guidance

Healthfirst will cover medically appropriate COVID-19 testing at no cost share during the public health emergency when such testing is ordered by a physician or licensed healthcare professional for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of COVID-19.

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Provider Alerts - Claims & Billing - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2020
Healthfirst Reimbursement Policy Updates - Effective February 1, 2021

Effective February 1, 20201, several changes will be made to our reimbursement policy to maintain compliance with industry-accepted coding and reimbursement practices as well as state and national regulatory requirements.

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Provider Alerts - Claims & Billing - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2021
Healthfirst Reimbursement Policy Updates Frequency of Trigger Point Injections

Healthfirst aims to ensure that our reimbursement policy standards are compliant with state and national industry standards. As a reminder, Healthfirst does not reimburse more than three (3) trigger point injections in a 90-day period.

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Provider Alerts - Claims & Billing - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2020
Healthfirst Reimbursement Policy Updates - Effective December 1, 2020

Effective December 1, 2020, several changes will be made to our reimbursement policy to maintain compliance with industry-accepted coding and reimbursement practices as well as state and national regulatory requirements.

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Provider Alerts - Claims & Billing - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2021
Healthfirst Reimbursement Policy Updates Effective April 1, 2020

Healthfirst Reimbursement Policy Updates

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Provider Alerts - Claims & Billing - Policy, Billing, or Coverage Update - 2021
Healthfirst Reimbursement Policy Updates

Effective November 1, 2021, several changes will be made to our reimbursement policy to maintain compliance with industry-accepted coding and reimbursement practices, as well as state and national regulatory requirements.

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